Replay again and again using the in-game Mission Editor to design your perfect hunt.

Free Hunt Mode drops you right in the action with game a plenty, or for exacting hunting adventures try Challenge Mode.

Zero in with time at the Target Range before heading out into the wild. Features: Track and hunt 17 of the most prized big game animals including Moose, Mountain Lion, Wild Boar, Mule Deer and more. Track the quarry of your choice as you explore rugged land – from Texas to Alaska and on African Safari. It’s always open season for the continent’s most majestic game animals: whitetail deer, elk, moose, grizzly bear, turkey, and – New This Year – Timberwolves. Whatever game your after, whatever type of target practice you are looking for, you'll find the hunting games to satisfy your trigger finger right here.Hunt your way across North America’s most breathtaking environments.

Or become the prey (your mouse cursor to be exact, which you need to keep always out of reach) in Cursor Hunter and Mouse Hunter. Things get cute in Honey Hunter, where you're a bee looking for the nectar you need Gift Hunt, a Snake-style game where the goal is to gobble up presents or Cheese Hunt, where you're a mouse with a mission: more cheese at all costs. How about hunting space mutants on the Xenospace Colony? Or spaceships, like in Dark Orbit? If sci-fi's not your thing, you can also go the opposite direction on some purely primative hunts, like in The Primitive, a dark (but colorful) and dangerous jungle where your superior weaponry might not save you, or Jungle Hunting, where it's up to you to defend your tribal village against the encroaching animals or become prey yourselves. But what if you're looking for game that's a little weirder? Weirder than dinosaurs? Yes.

Sure there are deer hunting games, duck hunting games, bear hunting games.like we said, there are even dinosaur hunting games. Catch game you'd never get near in real life (or that's extinct), no ammo (or film) needed, and no animals harmed, in our free hunting games. What's your game? Dear or duck? Bear? What about.dinosaurs? Whatever type of hunting you want to do – shooting with a gun or with a camera – you can do it right here.