Document Manager & User Animation Fixed.There are however still some features we want to add and some polish to do before that: We've already added far more into the game than we ever thought we would and are continuing to smash out updates on an almost bi-monthly (every 2 or so weeks) bases. “At this point, the game is looking solid and the vast majority of our userbase feel it is "launch ready". How is the full version planned to differ from the Early Access version? It will merely be a representation of when we think the game can stand on it's own two feet.” To us the date isn't very important as the full launch won't actually change much in terms of development, we will still continue to push regular updates. (The features are listed in the next section). There's a hand full of features we're still polishing up but are drawing ever closer to a state we're happy with the game. “Full launch has been pulled back a couple of times and we're currently looking to release the game around mid 2023. Once we are entirely happy that the main features have been finalised and polished, we will release the full version of the game.”Īpproximately how long will this game be in Early Access?

Early access will allow you to voice ideas and suggestions as the game is being developed and help shape the final product. We call it ‘early access’ as the game is still under constant development, implementing features that are highly requested by our players. “The RPG Engine already has a user base creating and playing TTRPGs online.